
Winston-Salem Oil Change Franchise Becomes A Vehicle for Change

Strickland Brothers fuels the anti-bullying movement across North Carolina with a $500K donation.

Winston-Salem, NC —

According to the National Center for Educational Statistics, over 20% of today’s children have been victimized by bullying, while the percentage of children experiencing cyberbullying has more than doubled (18% to 37%) within the last 10 years.

Fortunately, the Triad’s very own is here to put the brakes on these troubling statistics.

Justin Strickland, CEO & Strickland Brothers’ founder, recently pledged $250K of his own personal money to this year’s endowment—matching Strickland Brothers Corporate’s own quarter-million-dollar donation, which is set to disperse in equal installments over the next four years.

So, where will those funds be going? According to Mr. Strickland—right back into the neighborhood.

“Giving back to the communities and the customers we serve. That’s what it’s about for us,” says Mr. Strickland. “It’s who we are here at Strickland Brothers.”

Strickland Brothers’ combined $500K donation will be made out to the Strickland Brothers Foundation, which assists lower-income, title-one schools by providing them with practical, anti-bullying solutions— such as the popular Playground Buddy Benches that promote inclusion, foster friendships and bridge divides between schoolchildren.

And for Strickland Brothers’ CEO, this half-million-dollar contribution will live far beyond its endowment date.

“My hope for this donation is several things,” said Mr. Strickland. “One: I hope that we can assist our franchise partners in becoming more involved in their communities without placing a financial requirement or burden on them. Two: I hope that collectively, as a brand, we use our financial resources, our time, and efforts to bring hope, inclusion, and a better tomorrow for Strickland Brothers’ cities and communities, such as the Winston-Salem headquarters we know and love.”

And, with 15 corporate and franchised locations in the Tar Heel state alone, Strickland Brothers doesn’t seem to be slowing any time soon.

Strickland Brothers is currently headquartered at 301 N. Main Street, Suite #2030 Winston-Salem, North Carolina, 27101

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